How can I purchase a print/product?
You just have to purchase it like you are making a purchase from any other online store. Currently PayPal is not available, but you can send to the Skrill account which indicated in payment page. Once the transfer is authorized your purchase will be shipped immediately. Before the transfer is authorized your purchase will not be shipped. If you do not get any update about your order, please do not hesitate to contact.

I want a commission from you, how can we make it work?
First of all, you tell ır show me what you want. It can be rough sketch, key words or a detailed brief. Then I will deliver several sketches. According to the sketch you choose, the pricing will be done. Also this is the only stage you can give creative revision.

What are you rates for commission?
As said on previous question, price will be determined according to the sketch you choose.

Can I get one of your illustration as a tattoo?
Sure you can :)
When will my order arrive?
Since I have a full time job, I can visit post office once a week. I ship every thursday or friday (depends on the orders).